Friday, July 30, 2010

Final Explanation

For all these previous posts, I chose examples that best explains the message I was trying to convey. For both credible communicators, I chose two ads that I thought would make a major positive influence on people. For the American Cancer Society ad, I knew that it would make a serious impact on some people because Cancer is something that is definitely not taken lightly. It shows that people have been affected by skin cancer and have experienced great loses from it. For my second ad, I chose a Neutrogena sunscreen ad. This ad was made to increase the sales of sunscreen. By having so many features to the sunscreen, it makes it a popular product to have on the market. It is not just for sun protection, but it is specifically made for athletes because its waterproof.

For subliminal Persuasion, I chose a youtube video that shows people who have had great damage done to their skin by the sun. I believe that by showing an actual video of real life people, it becomes more of a reality to people than just some myth people say is true. The video opens your eyes to how the sun really affects a persons skin and the aftermath of it all.

For classical conditioning, I posted a picture displaying intensity. The picture shows a tan, burnt woman with many wrinkles that have been caused by too much exposure to the sun. This picture shows a real life woman who has shown major affects that have caused her skin to have a leathery affect. Studies have shown that skin dries up and becomes leathery after many years in the sun.

For my first credible communication post, I posted pictures of celebrities who practice safe sun. It just goes to show that celebrities like Kristen Bell and Marissa Miller are positive role models that set the way of people practicing safe sun. Just like most people, they use sunscreen and try to stay out of the sun as much as they can. For my second picture, I posted a picture of Cosmo magazine's safe sun campaign. It's huge that corporations like Cosmo magazine attract so many female readers, and get them into practicing safe sun and promoting events that help spread awareness.

More Credible Communicators

This ad was created by the American Cancer Society. It's mission was to express how serious skin cancer is and how it affects so many people and their families.

With this Neutrogena ad, they explain the importance the right sunscreen can do. This sunscreen has many impacts, especially for athletes because its waterproof and stays on for hours. It also has a high SPF number.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Subliminal Persuasion

For subliminal persuasion, I would show people the effects the sun has on our skin by a video such as this one. If people could see a video about how the sun truly affects us, then they would have a better idea on why it's so serious and important. Sometimes seeing a visual, gives us a better reality of the subject.

Classic Conditioning Principles using Intensity

This is a picture of the affects of not taking care of your skin in the sun. UV exposure causes thickening and thinning of the skin. Thick skin is found in coarse wrinkles especially on the back of the neck that do not disappear when the skin is stretched.
A condition called solar elastosis is seen as thickened, coarse wrinkling and yellow discoloration of the skin. A common effect of UV exposure is thinning of the skin causing fine wrinkles and easy bruising.

Credible Communicator: Cosmopolitan Magazine launched a campaign for safe sun use

Cosmo Magazine launched a campaign in 2006, to alert women to the connection between unprotected UV exposure and skin cancer. Four years later, they exposed misleading tactics used by tanning salons and supported national legislation aimed at regulating the indoor-tanning industry.

Credible Communicator: Celebrities that practice safe sun use

Here is a picture of Kristen Bell and Marissa Miller at the 1st Annual Practice Safe Sun Awards in NYC. Both of these celebrities know the importance of protecting their skin from the sun and support the use of sunscreen.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why It's So Important to Use Sunscreen
In this first post, I will talk about the affects of not using sunscreen. The immediate danger of too much sun is sunburn. If you looked at sunburned skin under a strong microscope, you would see that the cells and blood vessels have been damaged. With repeated sun damage, the skin starts to look dry, wrinkled, discolored, and leathery. Although the skin appears to be thicker, it actually has been weakened and, as a result, it will bruise more easily. However, the sun's most serious threat is that it is the major cause of skin cancer, which is now the most common of all cancers. Doctors believe that most skin cancers can be avoided by wearing sunscreen.

Major Technological Effects
A major technology that has effected this issue even further are tanning beds. Today, around one million people in the U.S use tanning beds.Two types of radiations are produced from the tanning bed - UVA (long-wave) and UVB (short-wave). The UVA rays penetrate the skin and will not cause skin burns. The UVB rays, also known as "burning rays", affect the surface of the skin. These radiations can sometimes stimulate the production of vitamin D, which is an essential vitamin. It can even reduce the risk of muscle weakness and fractures. Many health risks are associated with the use of tanning beds. Over exposure to UV radiations can damage the skin cells and alter the structure of the DNA. This can potentially lead to cancer, including the deadly melanoma. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, regular use of tanning beds tends to increase the risk of developing melanoma by 55 percent. The threat is more in women, especially between the ages of 20 and 29. Various other skin problems can also occur. The skin can become thick and leathery, which results in wrinkles and premature aging.

New Approaches
Some approaches to increase the use of sunscreen are by making easy to use bottles. Many companies are making easy to use spray bottles wear you don't need the fuss of rubbing in sunscreen. It has become fast and simple and fun for children to use. Makers have also been making higher SPFs to reduce the chance of skin damage or skin cancer even more. Lastly, there have been endless amounts of campaigns explaining how dangerous not protecting your skin really is. I think statistics alone have scared people enough to the point where they all are starting to put on sunscreen.

Technological Fix
Another fix that has reduced the the problem of exposing skin to sun is spray tans. Sunless tanning products, also called self-tanners, can give your skin a tanned look without exposing it to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sunless tanning products are commonly sold as creams, gels, lotions and sprays you apply to your skin. Professional spray-on tanning also is available at many salons, spas and tanning businesses. The active ingredient in most sunless tanning products is dihydroxyacetone (DHA). When applied to the skin, DHA reacts with dead cells in the outermost layer of skin to temporarily darken the skin's appearance. The coloring doesn't wash off, but it gradually fades as the dead skin cells slough off — typically within a few days. Theres even some spray tans that can better your skin since some of them are also loaded with aloe and hydrate your skin to make it less dry.

Here is a website that explains how harmful the sun is and what can happen if we don't protect it: